Day 6 - What we’ve learned

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Well, we’re six days in and it’s those first few days that you realise what you forgot to pack or what you maybe packed too much of.


What did we forget?

  • Michael forgot his shampoo
  • Leanne forgot to fill up the clothes washing liquid
  • We have gone thru a silly amount of spray oil already – Leanne packed one extra but had to buy another for “Just-In”
  • Clothes – it’s hard to know if we’ve packed too much – but definitely need more thick explorer socks – washing just didn’t dry the first 4 days.  Might be okay now as it’s been much warmer and a little breeze. Washers and Dryers are $5 a load each (when available)
  • Leanne forget to pack (or buy) an extra bed shirt – a long sleeve flannel that you can put on over your pj’s when it is really cold.
  • Leanne’s bed socks are a bit old and should be replaced – they keep falling off.
  • Savoury biscuits – we packed the cheese but forgot the biscuits.
  • Alfoil – Leanne meant to put a new one in before we left
  • we didn’t forget it - but you never pack enough hand crème - when camping your hands always feel dry.

What is new this trip?

  • Ocoopa rechargeable hand warmers - $45 for a pair – but so far has been worth it. You can put them into your pockets and they warm your hands (and body). Recharge the next day whilst driving.
  • 2lt long hot water bottle from Costco (Thanks Michelle). A couple of days before we left Leanne realised our existing hot water bottles were 5 years old – definitely time to replace them. Last thing we need is for them to split and burn us.  Leanne saw an advert for long hot water bottles and thought yep that’ll be better. We’ve popped it into the mid section of the bed after dinner (reheating the same water) and then moved it to the feet when we get into bed. Much warmer.
  • Leanne did meals in bags – bolognaise sauce, butter chicken – things that make a real mess when reheating. To reheat we just put it into hot water in the bag.  Instead of serving into bowls we eat out of the bags (sitting in a bowl for structure). Cleanup is super easy (throw the bag out).
  • Instead of overfilling the 4 food drawers Leanne filled them about 80% full – much easy to get things into and out of.  Also Leanne put labels on them – breakfast, lunch, dinner.  This time we packed the food first (into the underbelly of the beast) so the things we use regularly are easy to get to. Every 4 days or so we pull out the closest box and restock the 4 food drawers.
  • Normally we leave home with the washing bucket full of stuff which then needs to find a home as soon as we wear any clothes. This time it was empty. Each morning we put yesterdays dirty clothes in the bucket and at the end of the day we hang them up – works pretty well.