Day 9 - Uluṟu and Kata-Tjuta

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Yesterday we walked around Uluṟu so decided to have a slow day today (the blisters on Leanne’s feet pretty much demanded a slow day)….  The plan was to have a sleep in (well as much of a sleep in you can have when camped with hundreds of people all getting up to see sunrise), move some food from storage to everyday access, head out to the Olga’s for a walk and then sunset at Ayer’s Rock before heading back.

It rained slightly overnight - you couldn’t really call it rain just a light sprinkle or two.  We had a leisurely breakfast and it rained a little bit more. It stopped raining long enough for us to restock food and pack up the camper.  As we headed off to the Olga’s we thought we’d detour past Ayer’s Rock to see if we could see it raining on the rock.

On the way there the heavens opened and as we approached we could see many waterfalls coming off the rock. We drove to Mutijuti Waterhole and headed off towards the waterhole. There were many people standing under the shelter refusing to walk the few hundred metres to the waterhole because they would get wet (really you drive all this way??).  As we approached the waterhole we could hear the water falling and a familiar voice ahead.  When we arrived we met up with Karen from our tour guiding tafe class - she was leading a tour for Outback Spirit).  Karen told us that the water had only just started to fall about 10 minutes before we got there (it has to fill the many waterholes up the top first) so we were glad we’d had a slow morning. We overheard another guide saying that it would stop soon too so we felt incredibly lucky.

We drove out to the Olga’s - which are spectacular - but unfortunately Leanne’s blisters stopped us doing a walk - just not worth making them worse or bursting them and needing to see a dr.

it’s supposed to rain the rest of the day, on and off, so given that it’s probably not going to be worth seeing the sunset so we decided to head back into town and have a drink or 2 at the Outback Pub, whilst sitting under the heaters and listening to the entertainment - It’s Noah Young again tonight and he was pretty good last night.