How much do we need to pack?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Other than during the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 I haven't really given toilet paper much of a thought.  There is always a couple of rolls in the camper and if we are running short we just stop at a shop or servo and pick some up.  Unfortunately picking some up on the way is not an option for the Canning.

How much toilet paper do we need for 2 people for 28 days?  

I kept tally of the usage at home and OMG we use a ridiculous amount.  We can't fit that much in!!!!  We never seem to use that much when camping but then we often use the toilet paper supplied in servo's, cafe's and road-side toilets and just use ours when there is no other option.

A bit of googling (there are some funny stories)

* Cottonelle says that most people go to the toilet 5 times a day and that women use about 6.41 sheets and men use 81 sheets per occasion (I'd believe that!!) - with an average of 7 sheets per use equalling 35 sheets per day per person.  (I think the 81 is a typo on their page and it should be 8.1) 

* The Australian Hiker says 9 sheets per day per person (that's extreme)

* other sites suggest using leaves, smooth stones or your bare hands - NOPE just not happening

So that makes it somewhere between 3 and 11 rolls of toilet paper.  I think I will err on the cautious side and take 11.