Day 8 - Uluru

Friday, June 28, 2024

Our first full day here in Yulara. We got up at 530am and packed up quickly so we could see sunrise at Uluru. Made it to the sunrise viewing area just as the sky was starting to show a bit of colour, even though Uluru just looked like a dark outline. 

The lookout filled up pretty quickly but we were able to get a good spot so that we could take some good sunrise on The Rock photos. Every couple of minutes the colour of the rock was changing, as the sun started to break the horizon.

We decided to have a quick breakfast of porridge and coffee before setting off on the Uluru Base Walk, a 10km trek around the base of the rock. When we started, the temperature was around 16 degrees at 915am and quite quickly got hotter as we walked around Uluru's perimeter. We snapped lots of photos on our walk and stopped quite a few times to rest as it was getting hotter. By the time we finished the walk at around 1pm, the temperature was up to 25 degrees.

Back to camp to have some lunch, fill up our water tanks and do some washing. Leanne was keen this morning to do sunset at The Rock tonight but we were both too tired. Spent the afternoon just sitting around camp relaxing and enjoying the little bit of breeze we got under our awning. We both had a shower and decided we didn't want to cook, so we caught the shuttle bus again into town and this time went to the Outback BBQ and Bar for dinner. Hamburgers and chips for dinner, plus a few drinks (at exhorbitant prices), and listened to the live music for a while. A bloke by the name of Noah Young, who was quite good. Caught the shuttle bus back to camp and called it a night.

Not much driving today. The weather was hot and sunny, about 27 degrees. Tomorrow is expected to be 21 degrees and rain. Going to have a quieter day tomorrow, with not much walking after our 10km hike around Uluru today.