2 days to go

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Only 2 days until we leave for our Canning Stock Route (CSR) and Beyond adventure.

The car is just about packed. All our food is in, including our freezer with over 30 days of food, prepared by Leanne. Alcohol all packed in Standard Squeeze bottles.

We spent about 4 hours yesterday just making sure we haven't forgotten to pack anything in the car. Today I added 2 coats of Road Warrior paint protection to the sides of the car and camper, to help protect from scratches by the scrub and spinifex on the CSR.

Checking the Great Divide Tours website for the location of Wylie, who is leading the June 2024 CSR trip at the moment, due to flooded tracks near the North end of the CSR, past Well 33, they have had to take a detour, via Kiwirrkurra Road. Not sure how this will affect our trip, if at all. Fingers crossed the CSR dries out by the time we get there and we are able to travel the entire length. Only time will tell. 

Standard Squeeze Alcohol Bottles
Road Warrior Paint Protection