Day 60 - Kelso

Monday, August 19, 2024

Headed into Emerald this morning, about 100km from our overnight campsite. Arrived mid morning to do a bit of food restock, before heading off to Springsure, about 45 minutes down the road.

Went straight to Uncle Rob's property and Rita met us out there.

Leanne went out with Rob and Rita to look at some stuff and came back with a newborn calf which had only been born today. Rita put it in a cage in the back of her ute as she had to take it home to hand feed it for a while.

When we got back to Rita's place, where we will be staying for the next few days, Kevin and Jess and their 2 kids Theo and Peyton were waiting for us. We chatted for a while whilst Rita prepared the milk formula for the calf, and then she tried to feed it, but it had no idea how to drink from the teat of the bottle. It was very funny to watch and there was milk going everywhere.

We went over to Kevin and Jess' place for dinner and to play with the kids for a while.