Trip planning (by the other half)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Many years ago on one of our first big trips we took many brochures and tour books of things to do along the way.  What we found was that whilst travelling it was pretty near impossible to remember which brochure or book had the information about the thingy we wanted to do.

So we started to write a detailed travel book which included maps and routes, distances between places, places we can stay at, where we could re-stock supplies, where we could buy fuel, quarantine restrictions at borders and ideas, contact numbers and opening hours of things that we could do along the way. (There is nothing worse than sitting at a fuel stop overnight when it closed 5 minutes before you get there!). When printed on one side the other page became a place to write a diary or notes. We also leave a copy with our home based "Charlie" in case things go pear-shaped and we need rescuing.  This trip we will also give a copy to our grandchildren so they can follow along on our adventure.

With our next big trip being just under 3 months, going to every state (except Tasmania) and doing 15000+ kms it takes a bit of time to put together and can be quite large (currently at 66 pages with a lot more to go!).  It certainly is fun finding things to do (and finding the road less travelled)

Some of the things we are hoping to do on this trip

  • Cruise on the Murray River - unfortunately not on a paddlestreamer 
  • Drink rum at the Bundaberg Rum Distillery
  • Walk Aligator Gorge at Mount Remarkable National Park
  • Visit Woomera Aircraft and Missile Park
  • Camp underground or go to church undergroundat Coober Pedy
  • Go opal fossicking
  • Watch the sunrise at the Breakaways
  • Segway around Uluru
  • Have a glass of wine at sunset at Uluru
  • Lay in hot springs along the Canning 
  • Find a fragment of meteorite at Wolfe Creek 
  • Lay down across the Old Ghan railway tracks
  • Go for a swim at Ellery Creek or Ormiston Gorge (although it might be a bit cold)
  • Go for a swim at Kathleen Springs
  • Swim in hot springs or go Quad biking at Kings Creek Station
  • Go for a boat ride thru Lawn Hill Gorge
  •  Swim in hotsprings at Julia Creek
  • See dinosaurs at Lark Quarry
  • See the birth place of the Australian Labour Party
  • Ride a Cobb and Co Stagecoach
  • Ride a paddlesteamer west of the great divide

Better get on with researching more places to go!!!!!!!!!