Day 61 to day 65 - Family time

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Staying with Rita in town whilst Arthur and Joan stay out at Kelso with Uncle Rob.

We have been out to the farm a few times and helped a bit where we could. Uncle Rob is starting to move stuff to his other property Pinnacle Creek, and we have been out there a few times too.

We also caught up with Kevin, Robert, Thomas and Steph and their families, which has been nice. Steph invited us to go to see her husband Steven play footy in Emerald. His team lost unfortunately due to the dodgy ref and him turning a blind eye to some very suss gameplay from the opposition.

Also saw one of the local property owners doing a burnoff on his property. Uncle Rob was one of the volunteer firefighters there to make sure the burn didn't get out of hand. It was very impressive to see. We checked it out 3 separate times, including once at night which was very eerie seeing the orange flames in the darkness.